Compliance matters
The MHRA GMDP Inspection Teams work closely with the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) Inspection Teams to ensure that manufacturers and distributors of Veterinary Medicinal Products (VMPs) are inspected appropriately and to the correct standards.
In July 2003 the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) introduced a statutory pharmacovigilance inspection programme of marketing authorisation holders (MAHs) in the United Kingdom. The revisions to the pharmacovigilance legislation implemented in 2012 are supportive of the inspection of …
Following on from the previous DMRC overview post, here are some Do’s (What, When & How) for reporting defects to the DMRC, and also some Don'ts to avoid.
Just 4 weeks ago the MHRA hosted the PIC/S Committee meeting, PIC/S Executive Bureau meeting, and PIC/S Annual Seminar at the Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI) in Manchester.
There are currently four consultations on guidance documents that have been developed in preparation for the implementation of the Clinical Trial Regulation (EU) No 536/2014. The MHRA GCP Inspectorate encourages you to take time to review these.
On 22nd September 2016 the MHRA Inspectorate will be holding another GLP and GCP Laboratories Symposium. integrity in the context of GMP and GDP inspections. Our team has also been working with stakeholders in the international GLP and GCP networks to raise awareness of the...
GDP Guidelines Chapter 3.2.1 “An initial temperature mapping exercise should be carried out on the storage area before use, under representative conditions. Temperature monitoring equipment should be located according to the results of the mapping exercise, ensuring that monitoring devices …
As with most activities in clinical trials, the development of electronic systems is playing an increasing role in methods for data collection. As inspectors we are therefore continually seeing new systems while out and about on inspection, and adapting our …
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) UK is honoured to be the host of the 2016 PIC/S Seminar. This is an annual international event attended by both member and non-member authorities of the Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S). …