Good clinical practice
On 23rd March 2020 MHRA I published a post outlining changes to MHRA’s GxP inspection programme during the COVID19 outbreak. This enabled industry and the NHS to focus on medicine supply and delivery of healthcare in support of the COVID-19 pandemic
Following on from the successful 2-day event in Washington in October 2018 where MHRA GCP Inspectors and US FDA joined forces to discuss data integrity, MHRA and FDA have produced a joint paper ‘Data Integrity in global Clinical Trials’ authored by those who presented at the event.
Between 11 and 14 February 2020, the MHRA hosted a week-long series of events as part of the Good Practice Symposia Week. The week concluded with the second joint MHRA GCP and US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) event following that hosted by the FDA in the USA in October 2018, and the first one hosted by the MHRA in the UK.
The purpose of this post is to give an update on a change to how we are issuing our licences and certificates due to the coronavirus pandemic; and a reminder to keep your contact details up to date.
The COVID19 pandemic presents an unprecedented challenge to healthcare, the pharmaceutical industry’s supply chain and personnel movement. MHRA understands the impact of its work on industry, NHS and patients.
Following on from our previous post, further guidance has been published on our MHRA website in relation to Managing Clinical Trials and Clinical Trial Applications.
MHRA are aware that there are challenges arising in relation to Coronavirus and the effect this is having on the conduct of clinical trials.
GCP inspections and how they are conducted has evolved over the years due to the increased complexity of trials, organisations, implementation of electronic clinical trial systems and the development of technology.
In part 1 of the inspectorate recruitment posts, we provided information on the inspector role and recruitment process, part 2 provides more information on the benefits and opportunities available to MHRA inspectors.
Have you ever thought about becoming an MHRA inspector but wanted to know more about the role, the application process, or the benefits associated with joining a talented and dynamic team protecting public health? Part one of this two-part blog will hopefully give you the information you need to consider for applying for future roles.