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Too good to be true? How to play your part in protecting the UK medicines supply chain (updated)

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Compliance matters, Events and symposia, Good distribution practice

The MHRA is inviting you to attend a free webinar as part of its commitment to providing guidance to industry and supporting stakeholders to prevent falsified medicines entering the legal supply chain.

Virtual conference: The International Council for Harmonisation (ICH) E6 on Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Revision

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The ICH Management Committee is taking a unique step to provide a status update on the revisions to this guideline, via a public virtual conference on 18 and 19 May 2021. Register now.

Inspectors grounded - a year of innovation

The start of lockdown this time last year meant a complete change to the way of working for the inspectorate, with the potential to impact dramatically on our ability to maintain regulatory oversight of public health

Pharmacovigilance requirements for UK authorised products - 13 January 2021

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Compliance matters, Events and symposia, Good pharmacovigilance practice, Wider MHRA

Pharmacovigilance requirements for UK authorised products webinar recording, which took place on 13 January 2020. This webinar was part of a series of Brexit and post-transition guidance webinars.

Post-transition: Pharmacovigilance requirements for UK authorised products - Thursday 22 October 2020

Post-transition: Pharmacovigilance requirements for UK authorised products webinar recording, which took place on 22 October 2020. This webinar was part of a series of EU Exit and post-transition guidance webinars.

Qualifications of suppliers and customers online: reliable or fake news?

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Compliance matters, Good distribution practice

The need for vigilance and diligence when conducting bona fide checks is integral to protecting the legal supply chain of medicines. What to look out for and how to report any suspected fraudulent activity