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Compliance matters

Do wholesale distributors require pharmacovigilance agreements?

Flip chart with the word compliance on, in the middle of a table

Our GDP inspectors often receive queries from wholesaler distributors asking in what instances agreements are required for the purposes of fulfilling pharmacovigilance requirements.

Imported Unlicensed Medicines and Centrally Authorised Medicines intended for other EU Member States

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Various medicines in blister strips

Previously, we have reminded importers of unlicensed medicines that Centrally Authorised medicines are the subject of Marketing Authorisations from the EMA, valid in all Member States and therefore cannot be notified for import into the UK as unlicensed medicines, unless …

Too much pressure: a behavioural approach to Data Integrity (Part 2)

Chemist wearing safety glasses and using a tablet

The first post in this series described the importance of organisational behaviour on the success of data integrity control measures.  Behavioural issues are often unsuitable for technical guidance, but the Inspectorate blog provides an opportunity to address this complex issue.